Words of wisdom on running and life from the scrapings at the bottom of the human barrel.

Monday, December 12, 2011

On The First Week of the Rest of My Life

     Well, I've made it through yet another 'introductory' week of running. I've always had a love-hate relationship with getting back to training after breaks: it's nice to be running again and have something to do mid-day (as napping and gaming actually get boring after a bit), but I also hate the fact that I alternate days of feeling like god and feeling like the same truck that ran me over at Pre-Nat's came back to avenge my carcass denting it's fender.
      Overall it was a passable week, though. I'll probably run between 50 and 56 miles for the week depending on if/how far i drag my ass around tomorrow. Starting off Monday was hell as I was still fighting the muggle that had begun to set into me during the last few days of break (symptomized by a light cold as the virus tried take hold and zombify me), but things improved from there to the point where I actually had a good run cruising 50min at Miccossukee with the Prince on Thursday and had as fun of a 'long' 12 miler with the crew this morning as...well, one can have on a Saturday morning.

     The real issue of the week has been trying to get things ironed out with exactly what in the FUCK I am going to do with my life. Seriously, that's not a joke. I'm going to finish my undergrad this spring and still have too many options to sift through. And yes, I did just complain about having options--they're a bitch as one must eventually pick one of them. That sucks when it's determining one's life path and earning power, likely...sucks a LOT.
     However, I did just get back from talking with one of my professors who was was the President of the company handling Burger King's advertising (among other big names) before he quit to teach--props to him, but damn.... I don't know if my love of money would let me do something like that. I mean, really. My worry: Will taking the chance to pursue my running dreams derail me from having a reasonable existence afterwards? (read: not living a shit life and always struggling to get by fiscally, or being wholly dependent on my significant other for our household income to be reasonable) His advise: you're not a golfer, you can't take a bunch of years "off" to establish a career then try a comeback... you've got till you're 28-30 and taking a break between now and then all but ends your chances of being good." Direct quote. Guy used to run, too (surprise, surprise looking at how he worded it), so he can look at it from both sides of the coin--hence why I went to see him.
     So I guess the decision is to hope I'm running for FSU completing a Masters in Integrated Marketing and Communications next year, but all the while know it's okay of I'm someplace else, pursuing the dream, and either not being studious at all or taking distance learning stuff. Still sucks. I wish this was 1950 and I could just hop into a mail room and bank on being CEO of the company within 5 years--stupid world economy and population growth!

     On another note, I'm super pumped to be going home soon. Like...MAJOR pumped. While I love having a meal plan and not having to cook (our meal hall food isn't really bad, so it's not too shitty a deal), I 100% am dieing to get back home and have my mom be cooking again. Oh how I miss the phrase "When are you going to be done running so I know when to have dinner ready?" Gawd, my family loves me. Lucks.

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